WGWET Award Application

Masters Study Award

The purpose of this award is to assist women students, who are enrolled full-time or part-time at the University of Waikato for a thesis worth at least 90 points towards a Masters degree.

Before proceeding with this application, please ensure you have the following information and files available.

Proof of New Zealand Citezenship or Permanant Resident Status

In addition to your personal contact details, you will need to provide proof of your New Zealand citezenship or permanant resident status. For this purpose you will be asked to upload a photo or scan of your New Zealand passport or other appropriate document.
Note: The format of the file you upload must be either jpg, png, or pdf.

Student Enrolment Details

  • University of Waikato student ID number
  • School of the University of Waikato in which you are enrolled e.g. Social Sciences, Law, Engineering
  • Whether you are enrolled full time or part time
  • Degree in which you are enrolled
  • Number of points for the qualification in which you are enrolled
  • Enrollment start and end date
  • Thesis topic/title
  • Academic transcript
    If your prior qualifications are not from the University of Waikato, you will need to upload a pdf academic transcript. Otherwise you can give the WGWET permission to obtain your University of Waikato transcript.
    Note; The format of the file you upload must be either jpg, png, or pdf.
  • Upload a pdf statement of up to 500 words explaining your thesis topic to a general audience


The name and contact details (email and phone) of a referee.
Note: You should contact your referee and notify them that they will be contacted and asked to provide a referee report for your application.

Personal Details

* required

First Name *
Last Name *

Email *
Confirm Email *

Phone *

Address line 1 *
Address line 2
City *
Postcode *

Proof of NZ Citizenship or Permanent Resident Status *

Select file to upload - must be either a jpg, png, or pdf file.
Please include your name in the file name.